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Welcome to HB²

Discover & Unleash Your Full Leadership Potential.

Achieve Your Leadership Aspirations and Reach New Heights

We recognize that effective, strong, and balanced leaders are not simply born; they are developed through a journey of insight, action, and courage. Our unwavering commitment is founded on this reality, and our purpose is to guide and empower our clients in enhancing these crucial dimensions of their leadership development. We are dedicated to supporting your progress towards achieving your leadership aspirations, fostering growth and transformation every step of the way.


How We Help

At HB², we are dedicated to helping you achieve optimal processes, performance, and results.


Through our signature coaching programs (Momentum and  Accelerate), we will work with you to

1) discover who you are as a professional and leader, 2) build the skills and capabilities you need to thrive in your career and business, and 3) strategize short-term and long-term solutions to help you steer in a clear direction. The best part is that we will be with you every step of the way. Our tailored tools and strategies will equip you to maintain balance while taking on leadership responsibilities, ensuring you can navigate challenges with self-awareness, courage and confidence. Scale your leadership and business to new heights of excellence.

Our Programs & Benefits

Young Businesspeople


Start With Momentum

Momentum features one to two weeks of customized virtual training, personalized mentoring from Fortune 100 professionals, and resume and cover letter review sessions. Assess your career potential with industry mentors and sharpen your career readiness.


$799 CAD

Apply for our full-ride bursaries sponsored by our employment partners. Momentum grads are automatically admitted to Accelerate.


Complete A
Leadership Practicum 

Complete a leadership practicum where you work on a real-world project on your own schedule, gain professional experience, and get paid for it. You may propose your own project or we will pair you up with an employment partner.

Complimentary For Momentum Mentees

 Receive up to $500 per leadership practicum you complete.


Level-up With Accelerate

After your training and leadership practicum, apply for Velocity where you gain access to our executive leadership coaches, build a detailed road map with them to achieve your leadership or business milestones, and gain access to our private executive leadership coaching program. 

$3899 CAD

Accelerate is an eight-week program featuring three executive coaching sessions and a tailored curriculum designed to help you build and optimize your entrepreneurship venture.

Hear What Mentees Are Saying


“ During my first session with Cathy, we preformed critical thinking activities to know myself more and through that has challenged me to think critically about my vision for the future. As Cathy have reminded me coaching is self-motivated learning, which coachee is in the driver’s seat in this growth journey both personally and professionally. I am confident Cathy has the capability to guide anyone that is ready to achieve this purpose drive life. ”


Marco, Entrepreneur Mentee

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Tamanna N

I learned about various career enhancement skills at HB2 and my favorite part would be the art of networking because it taught me how to network with numerous industry professionals, how to present myself confidently and connect with them. Moreover, I learned about personal branding which is going to play a vital role in my professional journey. HB2 has provided a platform to learn new skills and improve my existing skill set which will prepare me for the upcoming opportunities. I'll definitely recommend it to my peers as it will help them in developing their careers.

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Zahra S

My favourite part of HB2 is how catered it feels to me personally. Since I am currently in the process of looking for work and will continue to be going through that process in my future, it is nice to see opportunities where I can receive the professional advice on writing resumes and cover letters. I would recommend it to my peers so they can build on skills of theirs as well, no matter what they may be. I like that HB2 allows for learning no matter what field someone may be wanting to pursue, giving them to chance to gain transferable skills.

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Sadiyah S

One of the aspects I truly enjoyed about this program was the opportunity to engage with mentors through coaching calls. Through these calls, I received constructive feedback regarding areas for improvement in my resume and CV. Moreover, I gained valuable insights into professionalism and learned about essential professional etiquette. Based on my experience, I highly recommend this program to my peers, particularly to high school students who are on the cusp of graduation. It serves as an excellent platform for them to develop a comprehensive understanding of professional norms and practices.

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Rashi T

I like how HB2 gave me the opportunity to take a mini course about networking. This field has always been something that I was interested in but never really had a chance to pursue it. I come from a medical background so learning this skill as well as effective communication will really help me in my career development and I am thankful to HB2 for this. Yes, I will recommend it to my peers as this training helped me a lot.

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Kaitlyn W

I am excited by the opportunity to have greater professionalism and solidify my personal brand. So far I have been able to practice my communication, and more specifically intergenerational communication skills, so I will be able to better present myself, learn from, and discuss with individuals from other generations and backgrounds. I definitely feel more confident in my communication skills because of the intergenerational activity but I can also still recognize that I have more space to improve. I am hoping to continue to learn and grow personally and professionally from this experience.

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Esther T

My favourite part is the hands-on and interactive experience of the module activities. It allows me to practice the skills that I will need to succeed in my professional career. Thus far, HB2 has played an important role in my career development journey as it  allowed me to identify areas for growth that I did not realize before. I like that while doing the activities, I can reflect on myself to then develop a strategy to improve on skills that I am weaker in. I would highly recommend HB2 to my peers because it is an opportunity to develop and reflect on yourself, something that I strongly believe is valuable

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Eman K

My favorite part would be that there is so much to learn and seeing how the world is adapting and how important it is to change your ways according to it is apart of growing, it can be from communication to getting the task right, and if the learning leads to career development, it makes it so much more fun.  HB2 played a important role because I am still young and have a future ahead of me, being able to know what I should look forward to and doing it the right way makes a difference, so yes I would recommended because if I am learning that makes a impact for me, then it would be the same for other peers.

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Aadityaraj T

It has helped me realize the age gap between elders and young people which has helped me increase my communication skills to be able to connect with more people to reach out too them in the future. It has helped me become more communicative and increased my creativity. I would recommend it to peers as it is a good way to help increase one's chances of making an impression on a recruiter in the future.

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Abeeha K

HB2 has been instrumental in my career development journey, primarily due to its emphasis on cultivating transferable skills. One of my favourite aspects of learning and growing at HB2 is the focus on acquiring skills that can be applied across various domains and industries.HB2 has played a crucial role in shaping my career by providing me with opportunities to develop and refine my transferable skills. Considering my own positive experience, I wholeheartedly recommend HB2 to my peers.

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